Indian Prairie Great Banquet


Indian Prairie Great Banquet

The focus of the Great Banquet is to know Jesus as Lord and Savior and to make Him known. The Great Banquet is an opportunity to be still, to listen, to share and to hear Christ's plan for this world and for our lives. The Banquet promises to nourish you physically, mentally and spiritually. You will feast on deliciously prepared meals; hear talks about the spiritual journey others are on, and fellowship with other believers.

It is a 72-hour experience, beginning on Thursday evening and ending Sunday evening. For three days, guests live and study together in worship, prayer and discussion. Guests participate in the daily celebration of Holy Communion and examine more fully the presence of Christ in His body of believers. They personally experience His grace through the prayers and acts of a loving, Christian support community.

The Great Banquet ministry is a non-denominational entity sponsored by multiple churches and diverse members. It is not necessary to be a member of a sponsoring church, or of any church. The community welcomes all who desire to learn more about Christ. For more information go to or send an email to

Upcoming Banquet Dates

Men’s Weekend: February 27 - March 1 2020

Women’s Weekend: March 5 - March 8 2020

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