What We Believe


What We Believe

The mission of Knox Presbyterian is to LEARN, GROW and SERVE as followers of Jesus Christ. 

Our Beliefs

We believe that God has called us together to be a community of faith in Jesus Christ who alone is Head of the Church. We believe Christ has commissioned us to advance the Kingdom of God through the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

As a Congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA) we believe and affirm:

  • Jesus is Lord
  • Jesus Christ gives the Church its faith and life, its unity and mission
  • The Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are God’s Word, inspired by the Holy Spirit, the unique and authoritative witness to Jesus Christ
  • God alone is Lord of the conscience
  • There are different gifts and different ways of serving God
  • God calls both men and women to ministry
  • We are called by Christ to welcome and include all people
  • We are called to a ministry of reconciliation
  • In all our human diversity, together we are one body in Christ

Our Vision

Knox Presbyterian Church will be a spiritual house where God's gift of grace is celebrated in life-giving relationship of reconciling lvoe.

As one family in Jesus Christ, Knox will be a household of welcome, acceptance and faith where all God's people are both invited and equipped to live out the good new of the Gospel.

Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Knox will be a servant church sent into the world to minister at the points of deepest need.  Through acts of nurture, healing and mercy, Knox will seek to embody Christ's saving love for all people, bearing witness to the kingdom of heaven in our common life.  

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